Breast Lift

Procedure times
The procedure usually takes 2 hours, and you can return to work after 2 weeks.
Breast lift details
Breast Lift or Mastopexy is performed to reshape the breast. This is indicated in patients with low-lying nipples or “ptosis”. The type of mastopexy is determined by the degree or severity of ptosis or droop. All mastopexies involves the removal of skin so that the gland can be rearranged in a higher, more aesthetic position on the chest wall. This can range from mild droop where the scar is located around the areola to more severe ptosis where the scars are oriented around the nipple and vertically; otherwise known as the “lollipop” scar or with an extension along the inframammary fold known as the “anchor” scar. 
This is indicated in patients with ageing breasts, noted change in shape following pregnancy or following weight loss. This allows repositioning of the gland and nipple in a higher, more cosmetically appealing position on the chest wall. This procedure does not involve placing an implant and therefore does not result in increased breast size or significantly improve upper pole flatness (decreased volume of the breast directly above the nipple).
After the procedure
This procedure takes 2 hours and you will return home the same day. All stitches used are dissolvable and are placed under the skin so there are no stitches to remove. You may return to work within 2 weeks and are asked to refrain from exercise and heavy lifting during this time. You are asked to refrain from wearing underwire bras for 8 weeks to reduce any irritation to the incisions. Dr. Watts will also guide you with post-operative scar treatment to ensure the best appearing scars.
Possible complications
Possible complications include hematoma (blood collection), seroma (fluid collection), sensory changes to the nipple, breast or nipple asymmetry, infection, nipple necrosis, DVT and PE. These risks are low and will be explained to you by Dr. Watts during your consultation.

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The team are excited to meet you, and help you reach your own individual goals. Reach out to book a private consultation with Dr. Watts.

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